Ad Relief is the Los Angeles Media Community's premiere charity.
Ad Relief supports members of the ad community in their time of need. Each year, one member of the Ad Community is honored with the "Life Saver Award" at Ad Relief's annual gala at the Regent Beverly Wilshire. Tracey was awarded with this honor for her 20+ years of teaching media at UCLA Extension.
Tracey has been awarded with UCLA Extension''s "Distinguished Instructor Award" which recognizes exemplary teaching, professional knowledge and outstanding commitment to students. This award celebrates the best of the instructors, promotes excellence and acknowledges Tracey's role in supporting UCLA Extension's important educational and public service goals.
Less than 1% of over 2,000 active Extension Instructors
have received this award.
UCLA Extension created the "Tracey McCormack Scholarship Fund"
in honor of 20+ years of teaching media at UCLA. The fund will
be an endowment and a legacy scholarship to live on in
perpetuity and support students with education in the fields of
media, advertising and marketing.
Jim Baral introduces Tracey as the Honoree.
Colleagues share stories about Tracey McCormack.
Tracey speaks to a crowd of over 1,000 people.